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All the awesome typography features!

Samples of text columns.

Text columns are the foundation of any template! Without them, the page is just incomplete!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi bibendum accumsan ante. Proin luctus congue sodales. Pellentesque vel mollis odio, ac facilisis arcu. Etiam rutrum sem non risus condimentum, quis iaculis ligula facilisis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi bibendum accumsan ante. Proin luctus congue sodales. Pellentesque vel mollis odio.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi bibendum accumsan ante. Proin luctus congue sodales. Pellentesque vel mollis odio.

Sample of text highlights

Text highlights are an awesome way to emphesize something important you want to show off!

This is a highlightand this is the text

This is a highlightand this is the text

This is a highlightand this is the text

This is a highlightand this is the text

This is a highlightand this is the text

This is a highlightand this is the text

This is a highlightand this is the text

This is a highlightand this is the text

Icon lists

Icon lists are absolutely awesome! They are very simple to use and they're retina!

  • Address icon
  • Block icon
  • Bookmark icon
  • Briefcase icon
  • Bubble icon
  • Buy icon
  • Calendar icon
  • Clipboard icon
  • Clock icon
  • Delete icon
  • Diagram icon
  • Document icon
  • Down icon
  • Flag icon
  • Folder icon
  • Gear icon
  • Globe icon
  • Heart icon
  • Help icon
  • Info icon
  • Key icon
  • Left icon
  • Letter icon
  • Monitor icon
  • Pencil icon
  • Plus icon
  • Present icon
  • Right icon
  • Save icon
  • Search icon
  • Shield icon
  • Statistics icon
  • Stop icon
  • Tick icon
  • Trash icon
  • Up icon
  • User icon
  • Walet icon
  • Warning icon
  • Home icon
  • Label icon

Speach bubbles?

A nice way of showing off a conversation maybe? It's absolutely simple to create them and use them!

John Doe says:

This is just an awesome bubble! It's quite cute isn't it?

Jane Doe replied:

Yeap! It's awesome isn't it and it's not that hard to use! And they act like bubbles, only expanding to 75% of width!

John Doe says:

Awesome stuff!

Jane Doe replied:

Yeap! It's awesome isn't it and it's not that hard to use! And they act like bubbles, only expanding to 75% of width!

Sample of small buttons!

Buttons are important, that's why we have a few!

Button Button Button Button Button Button Button Button Button Button Button

Sample of big buttons!

Buttons are important, that's why we have a few!

Button Button Button Button Button Button Button Button Button Ico Button Ico Button

CSS3 Horizontal Square Charts

Charts are awesome, important and they are a must, multiple color variations to make it sweet!

A red chart 10%
A yellow chart 30%
A blue chart 50%
And a green chart! 90%

CSS3 Horizontal Rounded Charts

Charts are awesome, important and they are a must, multiple color variations to make it sweet!

A red chart 10%
A yellow chart 30%
A blue chart 50%
And a green chart! 90%

Code structures

Maybe you're a developer and want to add code, maybe not, it's still an included option!

<p class="test1">Simple code!</p> <p class="test2">Simple code!</p>

Simple notifications!

These notifications can be shown but they cannot be dismissed by tapping or closing!

A red notification!

A green notification!

A yellow notification!

A blue notification!

Left text.

This is a simple paragrahp aligned to the left side of the screen! This is a simple paragrahp aligned to the left side of the screen!

Center text.

This is a simple paragraph aligned to the center part of the screen! This is a simple paragraph aligned to the center part of the screen!

Right text.

This is a simple paragraph aligned to the right side of the screen! This is a simple paragraph aligned to the right side of the screen!

How about a table?

And it's pure CSS3! That means just fill in the data, and the table expands to fit the size you need!

ONE Yes Yes
TWO No Yes
VALUE $9.99 $109.99